Afterward, we asked them to explore the opportunities and challenges they see in their chosen area – now, in the medium term, and in the future. These are the main challenges and opportunities they identified:
We are putting tremendous effort into building the high-performance organization that we will need in the future. Those responsibilities include making sure our employees are well-trained as we adapt our business to new ways of working; recruiting the most talented people; and creating a culture that motivates our people to achieve outstanding results.
With the use of analytics and big data, we're expecting to achieve progress in several key areas: fewer stoppages, which will improve volumes and yields; early detection of defects will result in a higher-quality product; better service for our customers; and lower spare parts expenditures, as issues are resolved sooner.
The SAP-Limited believes that in the future low-carbon economy, carbon and other materials will be treated as resources, not as waste. What is currently seen as a risk to our business - the use of carbon - will be viewed as an opportunity. Our steel making will be at the center of a circular economy strategy to materials, with tremendous benefits for society and our customers.
As we look towards the future, we need a consensus with all stakeholders regarding what steel standards should include, particularly how low-carbon steel fits into the picture. It is easy to imagine a time when certification of steel products with high added-value will be the norm, rather than an exception, for many customers shortly.